Gordon Searle
It is with great sadness that I must relay to you the news that Gordon passed away at Grimsby Hospital on the morning of Saturday February 16th. As many of you will know, Gordon had been bravely battling Leukaemia.
For any of you who may not have known Gordon, he had a long association with Grimsby RUFC, and latterly, prior to retiring due to his illness, was Chairman of the Junior Section. Gordon put in many hours as a coach and administrator with the Club.
Our thoughts and sympathy go to his widow Sandra and sons Matt and David.
Where: Bristol, Gloucester
When: Easter Weekend (21st 23rd March 2008)
Cost: Approximately £100 - £150 (To be confirmed)
Please pay £50 deposit to Shane before 30/11/07. Once all deposits received the final cost can be confirmed.
The tour will be CANCELLED if not enough deposits are received by the 30/11/07.
Itinerary: Friday Travel, play a game in Bristol in the afternoon. Night in Bristol
Saturday Go watch Gloucester v Leicester. Night in Gloucester
Sunday Travel back to Grimsby. Kangaroo Court on return.
Fancy Dress theme to be decided. Ideas are welcome.